What does the Bible say about suicide?
Mental illness and suicide are not synonymous. In other words, having a mental illness does not indicate that the person will attempt to take their own life. Mental illness, however, is a significant factor. Most people who suffer from mental illness do not attempt suicide; however, of those that do, 90% of them have experienced some form of mental illness, such as depression, post-traumatic stress, bipolar, and anxiety disorders.
Suicide is very present in the Bible. We should make an important distinction between suicidal thoughts (i.e. ideations) and suicide attempts. A person can have thoughts of taking their own life without every following through on them. An important step in moving from thoughts and action is developing a plan for suicide. We are given lots of examples in Scripture:
Suicidal ideations (thoughts)
Moses, "I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you are going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me—if I have found favor in your eyes—and do not let me face my own ruin” (Num.11:12-15).
Jonah, “Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live” (Jon.4:3).
Job, ““Why did I not perish at birth, and die as I came from the womb?...For now I would be lying down in peace; I would be asleep and at rest” (Job 3:11-13).
Elijah, “He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. ‘I have had enough, Lord,’ he said. ‘Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors’” (1Kings 19:4).
End time, “During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them” (Rev.9:6).
Suicide attempts
Philippian jailor, “The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped” (Acts 16:27).
King Saul, “Saul said to his armor-bearer, 'Draw your sword and run me through, or these uncircumcised fellows will come and run me through and abuse me.' But his armor-bearer was terrified and would not do it; so Saul took his own sword and fell on it” (1Samuel 31:4).
Abimelech, “Hurriedly he called to his armor-bearer, ‘Draw your sword and kill me, so that they can’t say, ‘A woman killed him.’” So his servant ran him through, and he died” (Judges 9:54).
Samson, “Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived. (Judges 16:30).
Ahithophel, “ When Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been followed, he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. He put his house in order and then hanged himself” (2Samuel 17:23).
Zimri, “When Zimri saw that the city was taken, he went into the citadel of the royal palace and set the palace on fire around him. So he died” (1 Kings 16:18).
Judas Iscariot, “So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself” (Matt. 27:5).